The Drainage Design

As professional drainage designers, we use a specialised drainage software, Causeway Flow, to simulate the effects of different storms and to ensure the correct size of pipes with any necessary attenuation.

Causeway Flow allows for the accurate simulation of various storm events. This is crucial for understanding how different intensities and durations of rainfall will impact the drainage system. By inputting storm data, the software can model the flow of water through the network, helping us to assess potential issues and optimize the system accordingly.

Sizing of Pipes: The software aids in determining the appropriate pipe sizes for the drainage system. It considers factors such as the catchment area, intensity of rainfall, and the topography of the area. This ensures that pipes are sized correctly to handle the anticipated volume of stormwater, preventing issues like flooding or overloading of the drainage network.

Attenuation Requirements: Attenuation refers to the controlled release or holding back of stormwater to prevent flooding downstream. Causeway Flow helps in evaluating the need for attenuation features in the drainage system. This is particularly important in urban areas where increased impervious surfaces can lead to rapid runoff, and attenuation measures are necessary to manage peak flows.

Optimization and Cost-Effectiveness: By simulating different scenarios and adjusting parameters, we can optimize the drainage system for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Causeway Flow allows for the comparison of various design options, helping us to make informed decisions to achieve the best balance between performance and cost.

In summary, by using Causeway Flow we can offer advanced simulation capabilities that ensure the effective management of stormwater, proper sizing of pipes, consideration of attenuation requirements, compliance with regulations, and overall optimization of the drainage system for a given area.

This is another of the services we offer as part of your drainage design service to ensure that your drainage design is fit for purpose and will meet the requirements of the Local Authorities.

Office: 90 Coronation Street, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, SR1 2HE

Call 01256 807116



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